Hul’q’umi’num’ Language Resource Catalogue (HLRC)

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Our teacher resource database

The work to revitalize the Hulq’q’umi’num’ language has taken place for decades and has flourished due to the diligence and dedication of dozens of students, teachers, elders, linguists and administrators. During this time, many people have developed teaching resources to support students in their learning journey.

We have learned through consultation with teachers across the Hul’q’umi’num’ speaking world that access to teaching-resources is limited. While many items exist, it is challenging to find copies in a timely fashion. As a means to address this problem,  HLCS is working to create a database of these Hul’q’umi’num’ teaching resources to facilitate easier access. The database will list resources that can be used in various teaching contexts.  This form is designed to collect all the useful information of a single teaching resource. If you would like to input more than one, simply hit submit and the form will refresh.

Our goal is to convert all the submitted entries into a searchable catalog for teachers, curriculum writers, elders administrators, students and parents. This catalog will be available to all, and will be assembled with careful consultation of elders and knowledge holders to ensure appropriate use and sharing.

Respecting protocols and using teachings in the right way

The HLCS recognizes teaching resources come in many forms, and that some knowledge is protected and not appropriate to be shared in this format. Our goal is to collect and share already-public information and carefully avoid sharing things we don’t have permission to share. 

Add a Resource to our Catalogue

Use our input form to add a resource to our catalogue. Each entry is held for review, then once approved your entry goes directly into the catalogue.

Advanced Search

Create a database query to see exact matches to your search options.

View and Filter

Not sure what you are looking for? View and filter by Language, Media Type, or Instructional Type.

Search by Keyword

Enter a term to search keywords in title, synopsis, and content of entries.