
Hul’q’umi’num’ Name: st’i’w’iyulh

English name: Prayers

Producers and/or Creators: Hul’q’umi’num’ Language & Culture Society

Synopsis: Nine prayers, with sound

Language: (none)
Dialect: (none)
Media Type: Website
Instructional Type: Prayer
Fluency: Beginner, Intermediate

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Sound files and texts for nine Hul’q’umi’num’ prayers for various occasions.

1. s’ulhtun st’i’wi’ulh [Grace]
2. lhexun’t tthu s’ulhtun [Blessing the food]
3. t’ut’iw’iulh tst tu tumuhw tst [Our prayer for our world]
hay ch q’u to Samaya Jardey for composing prayer, Ruby Peter for putting it in into Hul’q’umi’num’ and Delores Louie for recording it.
4. st’i’wi’ulh [Teacher’s Prayer]
5. st’i’wi’ulh [Language Learner’s Prayer]
6. lhexun’t tthu skwuloukwul’ [Classroom blessing]
hay ch q’u to Roberta Charie for composing prayer, Ruby Peter for putting it in into Hul’q’umi’num’ and recording it.
7. st’i’wi’ulh [Prayer]
8. tsitsulh si’em’ [Creator]
hay ch q’u to Laura Antoine for composing this prayer, Ruby Peter for putting it in into Hul’q’umi’num’, and Delores Louie for recording it.
9. st’i’wi’ulh st’ilum [Prayer Song]

Production Notes:

Prayers by various authors. Sound by Delores Louie and Ruby Peter. Text and audio editing by Donna Gerdts.

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Keywords: grace, prayer, tsitsulh si’em’